Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mirror Mirror Tell Me Do, I Hate Rhyming Just to Get an Answer Out of You

the golden light refracts through the window across the way
splintering into dying sunbeams on the rooftop
orbs of fire don't waste away like organisms of bone and breath
they go out with a big bang
leaving whole ecosystems in their wake
I watch the purest aurum ever mined
as it slipslides through the cracks in my blinders
setting my hair ablaze
peanut butter smoothness of my skin
daring you to taste it
I'm the sweetest cookie you ever did see
with the most elusive scent of champagne bubbles and raspberry chocolate
my bathtubs are constructed of lunar argentum
all the better to keep invictus in, my dear
molded feet show off my decadence
whole rooms swathed in maroon
but when I shed my regalia of cigarette smoke and eyeliner
as you can see
the celestial body is all that's left
eustephanus in the constellated sky
maybe then I can swim in the golden ripples of the molten star
let you savor the hollow of my neck
nipping at the rise in my collarbone
tell me what you see in me
oh philommedes make me in your image
and let us be like two doves
released in sacrifice to you.


The fourth NaNoWriMo poem. (Instead of writing a novel, I'm pushing myself to write a poem every day, because I'm primarily a poet and I refuse to be left out of a writing challenge!)

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